
A glossary of common terms used throughout pangeo-forge-runner.


An autogenerated, non-human readable unique ID that represents a particular beam job. These are generated by the beam runner on submission, not set by the submitting user.

For some bakeries (such as flink), the beam runner does not generate a unique ID during submission. In those cases, this will be the same as job_name

As this is only known after job submission, this is not available for template expansion in the job specification - so you can not use {job_id} in various TargetPaths, for example.


A human readable, human set, but not necessarily globally unique ID that represents a particular beam job. These are set on the commandline with --Bake.job_name=test-flink (or similar traitlets config). If not set, pangeo-forge-runner will try to automatically generate a descriptive name.

These can only contain lower case characters (a-z), digits (0-9) and dashes (-).